Emaar Properties

Investor Relations App

Our IR App will keep you up-to-date with the latest development - from latest share prices and press releases to investor days, financial results and our document library on the go.

Download Emaar Properties IR from Apple App Store and Google Play Store

Photo of Emaar Properties IRApp


Download the Investor Relations app to follow our share price and learn about investor events, stock exchange announcements, presentations, annual and quarterly reports, and interact with key data on-screen.

Interactive Charts screenshot.

Interactive Charts

Keep track of share price movements in an easy and intuitive way.

Watchlist screenshot.


Create watchlist to follow stocks.

Key Financials screenshot.

Key Financials

Evaluate key financial figures and compare with historical performance.




Cutomize your settings and enjoy a personalized service that comes in 17 languages and with a currency converter.

On Time

On Time

Stay posted on our performance, news, and events through notifications sent to your mobile device.

Shareable content

Shareable content

Share the content from the app via social media channels such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or through email.

Available and accessible

Available and accessible

No internet connection? Don't worry, the contents are available both online and offline.

User Friendly


Our new app comes with a very easy and intuitive user interface. It resembles the native iOS and Android design so that our investors can navigate through the app without any difficulty.

The app is optimized for iPhone, iPad and all major Android phones and tablets.

Our app supports offline mode. You can now read downloaded Annual Reports and Quarterly Reports even when there is no internet connection.

Download the App now on your smartphone or tablet!